• 9431055392, 9102111388
  • tersasevasansthan@tssit.in

Terms & Conditions


For Centre registration Fulfill the below requirements


1. Theory class , computer lab minimum 4-5 computer, separate office and counseling room

2. Document – Photo Copy Of 10th and 12th Certificate, PAN card, Adhar Card.

3. 4 Latest Color Photographs of Centre manager.

Feature No.
1. Computer Sytem Core 2 Duo/Pentium/i3 and above 4 - 5
2. Computer Lab Minimum 100-150 Sq. Ft. 1
3. Printer Dot Matrix / Inkjet 1
4. Theory Room Minimum 100-150 Sq. Ft. 1
5. Carpet Area Minimum 200-400 Sq. Ft.
5. Toilet Girls and Boys As Require 1 - 2
6. Counselor Table As Require 1
7. Director Cabin As Require 1


• BSDM Approved organization

• An ISO 14001:2015,14001:2015,9001:2015, 45001:2018 , 45001:2018 Certified Organization.

• MSME Approved organization.

• A National Famous Organization.

• Use of National & Internationally Certified Brand Name.

• Low Investment without any risk.

• Guidance for Implementation, Promotion & Running of the Centre.

• Online Center and Student Information.

• Government Approved 100+ Courses.

• No Sharing in Course Fee and Tuition fee of students.

• Centers are free take admissions and conduct examinations as per their will.

• Right to suggest new Job oriented courses.

• Regular Quality Check-up.

• Nominal One time Centre Authorization Fee & Renewal Fee.

• Centre Startup kit.

• Advertisement through Internet, National & Local Newspaper.

• Easy & Fast Delivery of Certificates.

• National & International Certification of Courses.

• Study Material availability at any time.

• Own study materials develop by our expert tutor.

Pamphlet 5000pcs
Flex Banner 10x4(Without Frame) 1pcs
Fee Receipt Book 5pcs
Authorization Certificate 1
Centre Login Id and Password

Terms and Condition

1. Course fees mean the entire amount received by the agency/customer excluding amount received towards stipend, capital investment for equipment, tools and lunch/ refreshment charges.

2. If Tersa Seva Sansthan supplies any equipment and tools to franchisee center, franchisee has to provide Bank Guarantee to the extent of equipment/tools supplies.

3. If franchisee does not generate and/or do not remit to Tersa Seva Sansthan Franchisee commission as indicated above for consecutive three months, Tersa Seva Sansthan has right to recover from security deposit.

4. Franchisee should arrange for adequate infrastructure like Hardware, Software, Networking and office set up required for conducting quality Computers training programs. More thrust should be given for practical/ hand-on-experience.

5. Franchisee should be able to conduct training programs with experience and qualified faculty. Faculty Should have minimum qualification of Diploma/Degree in Computer Applications and other discipline with one year training experience in reputed computer training institutes and should have other qualifications & experience as required (e.g. Accounting-Tally training, Medical line in case of Medical Transcription) and JOC/ITI+one year training experience in reputed computer training institutes to teach computer fundamentals. Bio-data/ Resume of each faculty should be made available to Tersa Seva Sansthan. Training by under qualified & in-experienced faculty is not permitted.

6.Registration of candidates shall be done in the Tersa Seva Sansthan application from for all trainees registered for training (Application forms can be collected from Tersa Seva Sansthan on payment as prescribed from time to time).

7. The statutory benefits like payments of wages, PF, ESI & other benefits for Faculty Employees who are working at franchisee center shall be borne/comply by franchisee. Any liability arising out of these statuary requirements will be the sole responsibility of the Franchisee.

8. Franchisee must forward copies of all the bills/Cash receipts issued to the students and clients monthly as pet format issued, along with 20% plus applicable taxes of the amount collected by the franchisee on or before 10th of every month to BrainTech. Failing which 18% of interest will be charged. Franchisee shall maintain. Enquiry register, admission register.

9. Tersa Seva Sansthan shall be free to fix targets for the Franchisee center from time to time.

10. Tersa Seva Sansthan has right to verify the accounts and bill/receipt issued.

11. The Franchisee shall forward details of registration, training details, fees collected and monthly information as required by Tersa Seva Sansthan as per format issued by Tersa Seva Sansthan monthly.

12. The center will be known as Tersa Seva Sansthan FRANCHISEE CENTER for computer education & Services. A predominant board displaying Tersa Seva Sansthan has to be put up at center (minimum 6’ × 4’ ).

13. Franchisee for the purpose of operating the center and submitting proposals locally may use letter heads CLEARLY indicating as Tersa Seva Sansthan FRANCHISEE center. Any misuse of Tersa Seva Sansthan identify and name, amounts to violation of this agreements and Franchisee stands cancelled automatically apart from forfeiture of security deposit.

14. The Franchisee centers shall not use Tersa Seva Sansthan Letter heads & bank receipts (Printed as Tersa Seva Sansthan) for their business transactions.

15. All faculty, employees and staff working at the Franchisee centers shall be on the rolls of the franchisee and Brainsoft will have no financial or other responsibilities towards these members directly or indirectly in any manner what so over.

16. The Franchisee shall issue any promotional materials or advertisement only with the prior consent of BrainTech in writing.

17. Franchisee shall not at any time indicate that the center is an office of Tersa Seva Sansthan Computer Institute & Technology Pvt. Ltd. And in all his representation, correspondences has to specifically incite that is a Franchisee center of Tersa Seva Sansthan Authorized center.

18. Course fees include cost of trainees. In case of short term courses less that 1 month, course material in the form of notes is provided. Franchisee, if needed may buy course material from Tersa Seva Sansthan course material.

19.Tersa Seva Sansthan Franchisee should have exclusive Computer training center to run Tersa Seva Sansthan training programs and should not have any other Franchisee for IT education & Services (Computer Training) and /or similar lines of activity, which hampers Tersa Seva Sansthan business directly/Indirectly.

20. Franchisee to conduct tests and evaluations periodically after each training module, Tersa Seva Sansthan has right to conduct test it’s own to test/evaluate the quality and content of training.

21. Tersa Seva Sansthan will issue certificates to successful trainees only if satisfied with training quality and contents.

22. Franchisee should issue ONLY Tersa Seva Sansthan Certificates; those are certificate & issued by Tersa Seva Sansthan. Franchisee cannot issue certificate to trainees either in the name of Tersa Seva Sansthan or in the name of institute directly. Tersa Seva Sansthan shall take criminal proceedings against misappropriation/tapering of certificate by the center, if found.

23. Tersa Seva Sansthan has all the rights to cancel the Franchisee allotment by given one-months’ notice in writing, with or without assignment any reason.

24. Franchisee agree to rules and regulations set by Tersa Seva Sansthan, time to time.

25. Tersa Seva Sansthan has complete rights to visit the center, inspect, issue suitable instructions, check & verify records, including bank transactions, interview trainees & faculties and take any steps that are felt necessary in the interest of business.

26. In case, FRANCHISEE wants to separate from Tersa Seva Sansthan within agreement period, franchisee can do so by giving 3 months advance notice to Tersa Seva Sansthan in writing and should have completed training for all trainees registered before completion of 3 months, should have paid all the dues and an amount of RS. 25,000/- towards short closure of agreement. Also NO DUE Certificate form our Accounts Department the Original Documents can be returned the respective authorities. However Tersa Seva Sansthan can terminate the contract by giving 3 months written notice and collect all dues receivable from security deposit or amount due payable to Franchisee.


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